If your home relies on a septic system, key maintenance is crucial for proper functioning. By learning important facts about maintaining your septic tank and drain field, you can help this wastewater treatment setup operate optimally. Remember these four facts to protect your property and its septic tank.
The number one fact to know about septic tank maintenance is that periodic pumping is absolutely vital. Professional septic tank pumping removes built-up sludge before it clogs intake pipes or flows into the drain field. In addition to scheduled cleanings, according to the EPA, the typical household septic system should be inspected by a septic tank professional at least once every three years. Signs you need septic tank maintenance via thorough pumping include backed-up drains, surfacing sewage, or foul odors. Don't neglect this key maintenance step.
While a septic tank handles your household wastewater, it has limits. One key facet of septic tank maintenance is being very mindful of everything that goes into your home's system. Flushing pharmaceuticals, paints, pesticides, cigarette butts, grease, and other harsh chemicals hinders proper bacterial digestion. Use a trash bin rather than your drains when possible. Additionally, spread out laundry and dishwasher cycles to avoid overloading your system.
Sometimes homeowners focus just on septic tank maintenance without considering the entire wastewater treatment setup. Keeping your septic drain field healthy is just as crucial. That buried area of perforated piping relies on aerobic bacteria and surrounding soil to filter liquid exiting your tank. Driving heavy vehicles over the drain field area or letting tree roots infiltrate pipes are examples of damage to avoid through careful maintenance.
Basic orientation around your septic system aids maintenance in a few ways. By knowing exactly where your tank lid and drain field access points lie underground, you make inspections easier. Marking their location with stakes or lawn decorations keeps heavy machinery safely away, too. If you aren't sure about tank or drain field locations, professional help with locating them makes septic-safe landscaping and planned maintenance possible.
With some diligence regarding periodic pumping, input materials, and safeguarding your entire wastewater system, septic tank maintenance doesn't have to be complicated. Use these key facts to keep your septic setup running properly for years to come. If you're in need of
septic tank maintenance, call Roto-Rooter Of Eastern Idaho for an appointment now.
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